But that isn’t the way I want to live. I don’t want to wait until everything comes together before I do things that feel important or meaningful or fun or interesting. I don’t want to play small if I can’t do it just right. Don’t want to sit quiet out of fear. We just do not have that kind of time, do we? We can’t wait to participate in life until we are thinner or smarter or richer or have better hair. Life is happening now, whether we are dressed for it or not.
We are never going to be prepared enough for everything that comes our way. But we are good enough for it right now. Life is in the process, not the outcome. Vitality comes from participation. From the interaction, the exploration, experimentation. The attempt.
Life is about showing up in our messy imperfection wearing the pandemic sweats and sharing ideas that aren’t perfectly formed yet but matter just the same. This is also the most fun way to live. To do stuff, right? To get off the sidelines and play in the game.
We don’t have to be any certain way. We can just be. Be all in. That is good enough.
Look, at the end of life, the outcome is the same for all of us. But it’s the process of living with curiosity and creativity and love and joy and appreciation and anger and envy and determination and grief and humor and resilience–no matter what we are facing– that allows us to feel the texture of our experience. To be a part of it.
That’s what I’m thinking about today. And that fills me with gratitude because when I look at what I’m doing, I notice the goodness that surrounds me. The friend who dropped a surprise on my porch. The other who texted me in support. The random people who took time to review You, Recharged on Amazon. The one who sent me a thank you note. My husband for being so supportive and for sometimes just leaving me alone. The hot coffee in the morning. The vaccines my parents got and the volunteers who gave them the shots.
Life is not easy. No way. But I am so grateful to go through it. My heart is so full. I just wanted to tell you.
What are you grateful for today? Just thinking about it, will make you feel better and give you an energy boost.