are you ready
You don’t have to change, hide, fix, or Photoshop your flaws away to live a better life. My brand of personal development is practical. Doable. Research-based habits and approaches you can integrate into your day to ease stress and elevate your life. Things that even I can do, and if I can do them, anyone can. It’s the kind of practical personal development I write about in my books, talk about on my podcast, share in my keynotes, live by in my life.

are you ready
You don’t have to change, hide, fix, or Photoshop your flaws away to live a better life. My brand of personal development is practical. Doable. Research-based habits and approaches you can integrate into your day to ease stress and elevate your life. Things that even I can do, and if I can do them, anyone can. It’s the kind of practical personal development I write about in my books, talk about on my podcast, share in my keynotes, live by in my life.
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How a Hunch Can Help You Grow
It may appear to you as a vision or dream. Some say they hear words almost like they’ve been spoken [...]
The Power-Share Practice That Can Improve Your Relationship
Giving up some control might lead to more comfort and calm in the long run. KEY POINTS How people perceive [...]
Will You Be Happier if You Wake Up Earlier?
This morning, I had a hard time waking up. I turned off the alarm, rolled up on the edge of [...]
Practice Mental Agility to Weather Difficult Times
My fingertips are burning where they touch the mug filled with hot coffee. I take a quick drink, set the [...]